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pong! > v > 15G0"GNIP"Q#v_0ad"tognuf: GNOP"03P03e21g#vW^ v < v"Pong send failed."a0< >:#,_@ ^ < < < privmsg! > 15G0"GSMVIRP"Q| parse privmsg target/prefix for reply >06g'#-!#v_ 04g!| v+1 < > > ^ v 1>:4g:!#v_ '!- |v1 6 < privmsg print | P60 G41 <1p4\0:<>p v_^#`g16:*2*ff_^#-g17g16 < v _ d-if $># $61g:d\3p1+: a\3p1+ v check the ignore list ^W^# g 12\3\0 < > ^ > 04g!#v_00aa+-g!#v_ 14G0#vE 51p>51g:!#^_1-51pv v < < < ^ P51< build reply prefix v_v#!-g14 < >0": "06GA0" GSMVIRP"A v cmdchk ^g70 P30 p17p16:N < non-command privmsg handling catch-all own-name hook looptest vP-f01G41 ># 0# v# < >10f-G14GQ#^_00f-g1+>:00f-p3`!#^_61g71p ^ $ >$)'KY'BY ^ ^ < YB'YK' <)< f1G07GF!#^_>_v>'G'KZ'P'BZ"ELIF"4#^( 080 00fe+-K #^O71p 882**e1p01-v v:g4:<1_v#g40< # >#v ^# p9\2+1_v#`*ff:g18 < p180p901p9:< v_$$ v> ^^ P3p16+g< < v _v#! -2g9 < ^ < ' >0':14GAN51p61g:51 ^ >71g00#vS$81gv 0 ! >1+^ p > > > > > > ^ >-#^_0\4^ > ^ v p15g9:<-1 < v p17O^# K -+ff00 080Cg17< >:!#v_ 71g\0\#^S$^ > 0 > :9g:2- #v_$$71gC^ ^p9+ < pickword: >1p3B1+^ >281g1 ^ >$$ 71g091gc1g8*+ #^S5 #^R$v ^6+g15:g16 p15N < v 0< v0< v+1/3g18_v# g80 < v_^#!`+< 1?v#<4?v#< ^ 2< ^8< 0 ^ 3 < ^c < c > 0v vc0 <> ^ > \4*#v? 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" 777** :aa++61p 3P ^ PROG PREPS: : !>$ 88+:*91p v # v p1a**aaa < v$$ < >^>e1p:0\> :7g :#v_$$!#v_ >$0".][ dehctamsiM" 61g3P 61ge+61p $f^ |bf prep >:'[- #v_$\1+\v # >']-#v_ \:#v_^ ^ +1< <\-1< v p181 pg1e00< v># v#< > #v #+ #1 #<^# :7g :#v_ v parsed >:'!-!#v_ >:'<-#v_$1\>:1+7g'<-!#v_\a1g%a1g\-v v pg1eg180 $$< ^ +1\+1\< >:'>-#v_$1\>:1+6g'>-!#v_\v < v-\g19%g19\_v#--'g7+1:<\1$_v#!--':< ^ +1\+1\< >a1g% 1 ^ # > v >\1+\1+ ^ > > > > ^ ^2%g19<\_v#-+'g7+1:<\1$_v#!-+':< 1 >\1+\1+ ^ >:'[-#v_$03^>:'.-#v_$15^>16^ >:e1gg:#v_$$ v >:']-#^_$04^>',-!#^_ ^ ^+2_v#-3< > ^ > ::1\>2+:e1gg:3-!#v_4-#v_\1-:#v_v + ^ \+1\$$:1\0\p e1p :1-d1p >::7g \d1g-e1gp :7g#^_$ ^ |ul prep $ $ $ ^ < fungespace storage: (*,0): data packet storage (*,1): misc. variables (0,1): server IP address (1,1): often data packet length (2,1): server socket (3,1): at message-splitting, start of current command/option (4,1): command character (5,1): temp (6,1): privmsg reply packet prefix len (7-10,1): temp (15-,1): bot's nickname (*,2): socket message-splitting vars (0,2): start of message (1,2): end of message (15-,2): owner prefix (*,3): current raw irc message to handle/also reply packet (*,4-x): parsed irc message (0,4): 1 if prefix, 0 if not (1-x,4): the prefix string if (0,4) is 1 (0,5): amount of command options, 0..15 (1-x,5): command string (always) (*,6-x): command options, depending on amount babble generator: (5,1): short-time temp (7,1): model/token file handle (8,1): last output token generated (9,1): bsearch table file offset (ret) (a,1): bsearch min idx (b,1): bsearch max idx (c,1): bsearch entry amount (ret) (e,1): constant 256 (*,8): I/O buffer for file ops (*,9): generated token stream code interpretation: langs: 0=bf, 1=underload column 5 is used to go to program prep: stack: retaddr src_x dst_y lang returns via column 80 with stack popped (src_y=7, dst_x=0) column 6 is used to go to program exec: stack: retaddr org_y lang returns via column 79 (copies prog to y=8 if org_y != 8) (5,1): input string pointer (x, y=7) (6,1): reply packet current length (7,1): reply packet initial length for checking (e,1): temp storage for y for progcopy/progprep brainfuck bytecode: two-cell opcodes: first cell op, second arg. ops: 0: end program (no arg) 1: add arg (modulo 1000) to bfarray pointer - used for <> 2: add arg (modulo 256) to cell value - used for +- 3: jump to arg if cell zero - used for [ 4: jump to arg if cell nonzero - used for ] 5: output cell (arg dummy 1) - used for . 6: input cell (arg dummy 1) - used for , brainfuck exec: (8,1): cycle limit (9,1): 256 - used in % for cell values (a,1): 1000 - used in % for bfarray locs top of stack (usually): input prog pointer (x, y=8) second on stack: data array pointer (x, y=9) brainfuck prep: in pseudo: - check that [] match - convert instructions to bytecode with [] args missing - scan bytecode and write targets to all [] pairs (8,1): output program position underload does not use a bytecode format, mostly because of ^. underload prep just copies the program underload exec: top of stack: input prog pointer (x, y=8) y=9 is used for the stack y=10 is used for temp. data storage, y=1 is used for variables (standard fungot): 9,1: underload stack top a/b/c,1: temp underload stack goes to negative fungespace the stack pointer starts at 0 meaning empty stack, and there must always be a 0 at x=0/1,y=9 for string term. brainfuck interp uses: (5,1): input string position (x, y=7) (6,1): output message position (x, y=3) (7,1): output message start (to check if any; +2 for crlf) (8,1): cycle count for limit (9,1): 256; for modulo (a,1): 255: for modulo top of stack (at start): input program position (x, y=7) second on stack: input data array position (x, y=8) bfcmd data block: (0,2000) base two rows per registered command first row has zero-terminated command name second row first cell is language code, 0=bf rest of second row has the bytecode --- this code block prints out parts of the IRC message --- --- if you put it at the point where the message has been split --- > 04g!#v_ 0" :xiferP">:#,_$ 14G>:#,_$ a, v v < < > 0" :dnammoC">:#,_$ 15G>:#,_$ a, v v1 $_,#! #:<"arguments:"0.g50 < > :05g` #v_ "' ",, v ^+1,''$_,#! #: