This hill runs on the gearlanced
tool, glued to IRC with a bit of Ruby.
You can find (almost) all the pertinent source code at
Let N be the number of programs on the hill, and T be the total number of different tape-length and polarity configurations. On this hill, T=42, from 21 tape lengths (10 to 30), and the sieve and kettle polarities.
Let P={1,2,…,N} be the set of programs, and a∈P,b∈P be two arbitrary programs.
Let ra,b=[r(1)a,b⋯r(T)a,b] be the result vector of program a battling program b. For a particular tape length/polarity configuration i, r(i)a,b={+1if a wins,0if the match is a tie,−1if a loses. As a shorthand, define the win margin ra,b=∑Ti=1r(i)a,b, where ra,b∈[−T,T]. Some identities (due to the symmetry of BF Joust): r(i)a,b=−r(i)b,ar(i)a,a=0ra,b=−rb,ara,a=0
Finally, define the points pa of program a as pa=1T∑b∈Pra,bpa∈[−(N−1),N−1]
Let sa be the final score of program a. The hill knows of the following metrics to define sa.
The standard scoring mechanism (used to define the hill ranking) is the Markov score. Conceptually, each program is allocated a uniform score, and for each battle between programs, both programs wager a fraction of 1N of their score. If b wins over a, b is given a portion of 1T of a's wager based on each win. In case of a tie, both programs keep their own scores. This process is then iterated until it reaches a stationary point, and those are the final scores.
Define a first-order Markov chain with a transition probability ta,b (for a≠b) of ta,b=∑Ti=1max Set the self-transition probability t_{a,a} to t_{a,a} = 1 - \sum_{b \in P,\ b \not= a} t_{a,b} so that the transition matrix is stochastic.
Let p(a) be the stationary distribution reached from the uniform initial distribution. To get numbers more closely approximating the traditional scores, we set the Markov score s_a of a program to s_a = 1000 p(a).
(Note that this can be implemented by locating the eigenvector of the transition matrix [\mat{T}]_{ab} = t_{a,b} with an eigenvalue of 1, since a stationary distribution \mat{p} has \mat{p} = \mat{p} \mat{T}. In practice, there is always a single unique stationary distribution.)
The "traditional" scoring is based on the (now defunct?) hill; see the SCORES document there for exact details.
The worth w_a of program a is w_a = \frac{p_a + N}{2(N-1)} (w_a \in [1, 2N-1] and the average worth is N).
The base score b_a is computed as b_a = \sum_{b \in p,\ r_{a,b} > 0} w_b \, f(r_{a,b}, T); that is, for each program b that a beats (positive win margin r_{a,b}), some fraction (given by function f) of b's worth is included in a's base score. This operation explicitly gives more emphasis on winning against "strong" programs.
The traditional scoring uses the simple weight function f(r, T) = \frac{r}{T}, where low-margin wins are not considered significantly different from ties. The "tweaked" form uses f(r, T) = \frac{r+T}{2T} instead; this gives more weight to the act of winning, with a "full win" (r=T) considered only approximately twice as good as a slight win.
The final score is scaled to the [0, 100] range and defined as s_a = \frac{200 b_a}{N-1}.
Inspired by the traditional scoring, but iterated until convergence to a fixed point.
Define initial score vector \mat{s}^{(0)} = \begin{bmatrix} s_1^{(0)} & \cdots & s_N^{(0)} \end{bmatrix}, s_a^{(0)} = \frac{p_a + N - 1}{2(N - 1)}. Note that \left\| \mat{s}^{(0)} \right\|_1 = \frac{N}{2}. Also define the positive win margin matrix \mat{D}, [\mat{D}]_{ab} = \max(0, \frac{r_{a,b}}{T}).
Define recursively \begin{aligned} \mat{u}^{(i)} &= \mat{D} \mat{s}^{(i-1)}, \\ \mat{s}^{(i)} &= \frac{N}{2 \left\| \mat{u}^{(i)} \right\|_1} \mat{u}^{(i)}. \end{aligned}
Iterate until \mat{s}^{(j)} \approx \mat{s}^{(j-1)}. Final scores are then s_a = 100 s_a^{(j)}.
The tweaked version is again otherwise identical, with the exception of using \frac{r_{a,b}+T}{2T} in matrix \mat{D} (again only for winning programs).