
| tags: photo

Not really a sequel of Adventures in Macroland, Part 1 but... here's a macroSD card. (In other words, just got an IR remote for the camera, for shake-free shutter, and was itching to test it out.)


| tags: photo

Having recently come into possession of a DSLR, and with the weather being like this (i.e., wet), I've been thinking up what kind of photos I could take, at home, that I couldn't have taken with the old non-interchangeable lens camera. One such category is macrophotography with a reversed lens mounted in front of a regular one.


| tags: web

After a long time of sporadic idle thinking about it, it is finally time to reorganize this spectacular web presence. The previous hierachical organization of stuff was p. arbitrary, and anyway there's not that much content in here, so I've chosen to go with a chronological ordering combined with a flat set of tags. Since the end result bears some facial similarity to (sigh) "a blog", and I can't think of a better word, I'll call it that. Just don't let that lead you to expect regular (or irregular) updates more than, say, once a year.

Regarding the existing content, I've shamelessly mangled them into "blog posts", complete with faked-in approximate dates of creation (or last update). This is certainly not a cheap attempt to make it look like I'd've been keeping a blog for a while now.